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Social Media Consulting


There are almost limitless opportunities for companies in the social media area. One in two Germans is currently active in social networks, and the number of people who find out about companies, products, and services online is even higher.


But where do you start, what is the strategy? Where is the target group and how do you reach it? We stand by these questions and work together on the footprint and reach of the brand.


Our main focus is on micro-influencers. We build local partnerships based on the give and take principle. Because their word and their opinion have weight in the region, and so the cook from the village or the cool Petra from next door, who equips her children with hip clothes, helps far more than any big influencer with 2 million followers who do not belong to the brand.


We find the right micro-influencers. Identifying them, writing to them and successfully managing the cooperation, we take care of that and more from Hey Hello.

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